Monday, July 24, 2006

Welcome to Work Opportunities for Women (WOW)Course

The Work Opportunities for Women course is designed to improve the range and quality of women's participation in VET. The part time nature of the course is ideal for women just like you who are not able to undertake full-time study for some reason or another including family commitments, work patterns and/or other reasons.

The course aims to:

  • increase your level of confidence, experience and skills so that you
    can enter or re-enter vocational training or the work force;

  • introduce you to a broader range of choices in work and training;

  • develop your understanding of key issues relating to women, work and
    industry restructuring; and

  • increase your career and educational planning abilities, with a focus on
    implementing change.

This WOW course has been designed as a broad-based program covering a spectrum of career options for women. The duration of this course is from Monday 31st July 2006 until Tuesday 28th November 2006. The study pattern for this WOW class is
  • Monday
    Start: 9.30am Finish: 12.30pm Sector: Computing Room: NG22

  • Tuesday
    Start: 9.30am Finish: 11.00am Sector: Work & Education Options Room: NG32

  • Tuesday
    Start: 12.30pm Finish: 2.30pm Sector: Computing Room: NG22

Your teachers are Maria, Di and Lesley.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Watch this Space for the Ground Rules Todate!!

In the class in was discussed that for the class to have that connectiveness asap, agreement around RESPECT was necessary. The following was agreed to

  • We need to acknowledge there are different cultural and relegious backgrounds in the class

  • There needs to be only ONE person talking at any given time as multiple talking invades other peoples hearing space

  • Show your respect by listening up to the speaker

  • You must respect a classmates opinion or point of view even if its the opposite to yours

  • Show your respect and do not dominate the class discussions

  • This class starts at 0930am, so show your respect and be on time

  • Be aware and alert in following class instructions as failure to do so often slows down classroom productivity time

  • Everybody has something to say about everything and the world would be boring if we all said the samethings so therefore its important to agree to disagree

  • You are encouraged to ask questions on the topic at hand

  • Its important to be contactable by mobile, but show your respect and answer your mobile outside the classroom

  • If you have to leave class for whatever reason, leave without disrupting the whole class and show your respect

  • Show your respect by not swearing in class and if you slip up, an apology to the whole class is in order

  • There are a lot of things to cover in class so its very important to stay focussed to the subject or topic at hand